Saturday, September 15, 2012


A couple months ago I did newborn photos for a sweet baby who's daddy is a United States Marine and was overseas at the time of her birth. I causally chatted with Mom while I was over there about possibly going with her to capture the moment when he did finally come home. She wasn't sure exactly when that would be so I was surprised when I got the call from her (on September 11th, of all days) that he'd be home that week. She was concerned that I wasn't available on such short notice but I had nothing going on that day - it's funny how God works, huh?

My husband and I went together, and I put a camera in his hand, too. Turns out he's a decent photographer! The whole event was so emotional but I held it together pretty well, I think. 

I know that every client and every job is a blessing but this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I absolutely love this family and am so glad they are finally all together.

