Monday, November 19, 2012


Taking pictures with a small child can be stressful. When we're working against the sun and they're going to get their clothes dirty and they're hungry it's just a lot to deal with. I see it EVERY DAY, so it doesn't phase me anymore but I always empathize with parents who seem to be so stressed out over kids being... well, being kids.

This sweet little family was worried about their 7 month-old not cooperating, since he's... ya know, 7 months old. I assured them that I work with kids every day not to stress, we'll get them some great photos. I could sense their proactive worry, but this little dude was SO GOOD and SO COOPERATIVE, even I, who sees this every day, was surprised. He was a PRO. It was like he did this every day and I think Mom and Dad's happiness with that really shows. I loved this session and I look forward to working with them again.

Favorites from this and other family sessions can be found on my "Families" page. Click HERE to schedule your family session!

