Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Every newborn is different. Every newborn, regardless of how prepared the parents are for his or her session, regardless of how full their tummy is, or how quiet the house is, or what time of day we schedule their session, has the propensity to change temperament in an instant when the camera comes out. It's an occupational hazard, I guess, and a punch I've learned to roll with no matter how unnerving it is to mom and dad, because realistically, it's temporary, and they'll forget about me before I'm even in my car. 

This little man, however, was by far the most calm, collected, and even-tempered newborn I've ever worked with. At 8 days old, he was still very squishy and easy to pose, and let me squeeze him into just about any pose I wanted. This was a WONDERFUL session and I pray for more newborns like him - not just for the sake of my sanity, but for mom and dad's as well!

See favorites from this and other newborn sessions on my "Newborn" page. Click HERE to schedule your newborn session!

