Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I got a call the other day from a client wanting to do photos with her brother. She said they hadn't done so since sixth grade and wanted to have some done for their parents. It got me thinking - why don't more adult siblings have photos taken together?

I'm an only child, so the concept of anything as it relates to siblings is kind of alien to me. I asked my husband, who has two brothers and two sisters, and he said he'd never really thought about it. Well once I got this brother and sister together in front of my camera it all made sense. These two have so much fun together. They live about a thousand miles away from each other now, but you'd never know it by looking at them. They still joke and laugh and have fun just like they were still living under the same roof.

I really enjoyed this session. Favorites from this and other family sessions can be found on my "families" page. Click HERE to schedule your family session.

