Friday, July 27, 2012


I'm huge on America. I love it. And I show it... sometimes to creepy levels.

I got a call to do a newborn session just a few blocks from where I live last week. I was very excited to meet the new mom and baby. As I got to know them a little better, I learned that this baby's dad is a United States Marine and is currently overseas on deployment. He left for his tour just before his little one was born. I fought back tears through the whole session. Not only was it such an honor to be getting images of his baby girl that daddy will see before he actually sees or hold her, but Mom was a brave soldier herself. Never once was she negative, bitter, or angry, just full of pride. This turned out to be one of my favorite sessions. 

Favorites from this and other newborn sessions can be found on my "Newborn" page. Click HERE to schedule your newborn session.
