Wednesday, November 14, 2012


As a mom of a little girl, there's just something about little boys that is so different - they're spontaneous, and loud, and exponentially more resillient, and just, well nuts, as compared to my methodic, soft-spoken, sensitive little girl. 

This little prince recently turned 4 and his parents, clients/friends who are planning a wedding and both work full time and go to school, finally found time to meet with me to do his four-year portraits. It was a nice break for them, while the little man and I walked through the park and snapped pictures, they had a few minutes of quiet, which, as parents of a little boy, they don't get too often. I was so pleased with the photos - SUCH a sweet boy!

Favorites from this and other sessions can be found on my "kids" page. Click HERE to schedule your little prince or princess' session today!

