Friday, June 14, 2013


Newborns. Own. My. Heart.

I've said it once, I will say it a million times. I LOVE working with little squishy newborns. It makes me smile. Normally, I do newborn sessions in the family's home to reduce stress on both Mom and baby, and to produce a  more relaxed environment, and subsequently a more cooperative baby. Not to mention, I like shooting newborns in natural light. This time around, however, I had some BIG plans and wanted to use more props than I could fit in the trunk of my Corolla so I borrowed some studio space from a good friend and colleague. 

These little princesses were born a little early, like most twins are, and were small, but perfectly healthy (praise God). I had a great time working with them and they were SO very cooperative. I called in my assistant to be an extra set of hands (and to give mom and dad a little break!) and we both left with baby fever! These little sweeties just made my week - I am so excited to share them with you.

Favorites from this and other Newborn Sessions can be found on my "Newborn Photo Portfolio" page. Click HERE to schedule your newborn session!
