Monday, June 24, 2013


Long engagements are really starting to make a comeback. There are plenty of theories as to why, but honestly, I think people are putting so much more thought and time into the personal details of their big day, and really slowing down to make their wedding THEIRS. Cookie cutter weddings are OUT -  trust me, I see at least one every weekend - and this wedding was ANYTHING but cookie cutter.

This bride and groom mulled over and perfected EVERY detail of their big day together. This groom was so involved in the planning process I communicated with him about details almost as much as I did with his lovely bride! With a big wedding party, a big family on both sides, and a beautiful hilltop venue, it was an awesome night, and the little details that they worked so hard - and so long - on made it truly unique to them. It really was their BIG day, and I am so pleased with their photos.

Favorites from this and other weddings can be found on my "Weddings" page. Click HERE to schedule your wedding consultation!
